Yeshua speaking on the importance of wise stewardship and financial intelligence said...
"and if you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven?" LUKE 16: 11 (NEW LIVING TRANSLATION)

Join us as Grant Mahoney shares cogently from the wisdom of YHVH on the timely topic of "Money Matters"

Your Instructor

Grant Mahoney
Grant Mahoney

Grant and his wife Samantha are passionate, mystical lovers of Yeshua. They travel the world teaching believers the mysteries of and the protocols for engaging YHVH's Kingdom. They are directors of Moed Ministries in Auckland, New Zealand. “Moed” is a Hebrew word which means “appointed or set time.”

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  Money Matters with Grant Mahoney #FinancialIntelligence
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