Welcome to Kingdom Fundamentals, an exciting, year long, online training program provided exclusively for the Ignite Hubs International family and delivered using easily digestible video lessons.

Each week you will receive one new video, between 10 to 30 minutes long designed to teach you the basics of engaging in the mystic realm, the 'milk of the word of the mystic realm' if you like, in preparation for more advanced learning.

The Kingdom Fundamentals course modus is derived from the five Hebraic methods of learning viz..

1. Alaph
To learn by yoking - Association

2. Lamad
To learn by goading - Instruction

3. Yarah
To learn by pointing - Direction

4. Shanan
To learn by sharpening - Skills

5. Yacar
To learn by chastisement - Discipline

The Kingdom Fundamentals course ethos is rooted in 2 Timothy 2: 2... "The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also."

To fulfil this scripture, as you are being mentored here you will be expected to teach others the things that you have learnt. As you engage with this holistic system, your own learning will be reinforced and strengthened.

Please note that to be eligible for this program you must be an active member of Ignite Hubs International.

Access to the Kingdom Fundamentals course is on a 12 month long paid subscription basis as follows...

INDIVIDUALS: £16.00 / month (excluding relevant taxes)
MARRIED COUPLES: £25.00 / month (excluding relevant taxes)

To get started, simply select the relevant subscription option below and then click on the "Enroll in Kingdom Fundamentals" button...

Your Instructor

Lindi Masters
Lindi Masters

Lindi is a passionate, mystic lover and follower of Yeshua.

She serves selflessly as the redoubtable spearhead of the House of Ignite Hubs International.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the Kingdom Fundamentals program start and finish?
The Kingdom Fundamentals program is one year long and starts the moment you complete your registration. The course content is delivered in video format. Each week you'll receive a new video lesson between 10 and 30 minutes long designed to further and strengthen your Kingdom life and adventure!
How long do I have access to the course material?
You have unlimited access to the course material across any and all devices you own for as long as you keep your subscription to the Kingdom Fundamentals course active. Please note that because the subscription payments are handled on our behalf by an automated third party payment processing system, missed subscription payments can lead to the termination of your access to the program (usually after the third email reminder).
Can I Tell My Friends About the Kingdom Fundamentals course?
Of course you may. However, access to the Kingdom Fundamentals course material is ONLY for active members of the Ignite Hubs International family. Non hub members who are found to have registered for the program will have their subscription and access to the program terminated.

Get started now!